171 definitions by nicholas d

A term that means that you're going to have to show me some money if you want me to do a favor for you. Used to elicit a bribe.
Jesse Jackson, Jr: "Governor Blagojevich, as you can see, I am by far the most qualified candidate to replace President-elect Obama in the U.S. Senate. I hope you will make the right decision."
Rod Blagojevich: "Yeah yeah whatever. Tell it to my pants pockets!"
by nicholas d January 22, 2009
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A phrase that signifies that a person's prior remark could have been interpreted sexually while also insulting the (presumably male) speaker. Means that no woman would ever say such a thing about that person because it would be blatantly untrue. If the target of the comment is female, the related saying that's what he didn't say should be used.
Tim: "Hey man, check out big-ass bag of weed I scored from Sampson. Let's blaze this shit up."
Dave: "Wow, I've never seen one that big!"
Tim: "That's what she didn't say!"
Dave: "Ah, you got me there. I guess everyone knows I have a 3-inch penis."
Tim: "Well, I was just joking, but they do now!"
by nicholas d June 14, 2012
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A rhetorical question asked to indicate that a person has been thoroughly schooled, reamed, or taken to the house. Pretty much means, "That must have hurt!"

A short, more polite form of, "How's your cornhole?" To make it less offensive/obvious, you may add "...family" or something similar to the end of "How's your hole?"
Banker 1: "I'm in equities, what do you do?"
Banker 2: "I'm in subprime mortgage trading?"
Banker 1: "Ooooh...how's your hole?"

Prisoner 1: "Man, I dropped the soap again last night."
Prisoner 2: "Ooooh...how's your hole...family?"

Yuppie 1: "I just got hit up for $5 on this half-gallon of organic milk and $10 a pound for this free-range chicken at Whole Foods."
Yuppie 2: "Ooooh...how's your hole...foods?"
by nicholas d November 19, 2007
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A vicious cycle in which a person takes a roofie to forget an unpleasant occurrence, then wakes up forgetting having taken said roofie and takes a roofie again to forget the original event. Can continue on infinitely, usually not ending until your dealer cuts you off. Originated from the show "Arrested Development".
After unleashing explosive diarrhea into his pants while playing the part of Smee in his school's production of "Peter Pan", Mervin spent the next month of his life mired in a roofie circle.
by nicholas d June 2, 2013
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A nickname for the morons who invaded the US Capitol on January 6, 2020.
Cletus was thrown in the slammer along with his Koup Klutz Klan compatriots after he tweeted “I’m in the capital butt their never gunna know its me cuz I got on this mustache n glasses LMAO”
by nicholas d December 9, 2021
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A person whose main goal in life is to post first on an internet video, picture, or anything else that allows comments. Usually this person will simply post "First!" or something along those lines rather than making an insightful or meaningful comment. First posters, while they themselves often believe that they are serving a valuable purpose and/or accomplishing something by being first, are generally disrespected by much of the rest of the online community.
First poster #1: "I was the first to post on a Failblog picture on March 17, 2008. It ended up getting 946 comments."
Neil Armstrong: "Wow, that's really impressive. I was the first person to walk on the moon."
Babe Ruth: "I was the first player to hit 60 home runs in a season AND the first to hit 700 career home runs!"
Albert Einstein: "Well I was the first to prove the relationship between mass and energy as well as many other fundamental principles of the universe that had puzzled scientists since the beginning of time."
Sir Edmund Hillary: "I was the first to climb Mt. Everest."
First poster #1: "What did you do up there?"
Sir Edmund Hillary: "I put up a sign that said 'First!!!' and got my ass back down that mountain. It was freezing up there, dude!"
God: "Well I was the first to create, well, you know, everything in the entire universe."
First poster #2: "Sweet man, congrats. I was the first to comment on that YouTube video of the news anchor accidentally saying 'blow job' on live TV."
Neil Armstrong: "LOL! That video was classic! Epic fail!"
Other commenter: "Shut up, all of you!!! Nobody cares if you're first! Get a life!"
by nicholas d July 27, 2009
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To give you a tryout or try to figure out what it's all about. A more civilized form of what a dog does when it...uh...sniffs your ass.
Bill: "Ooh...looks like Peter messed up on his TPS reports again. We may need to fire him."
Bob: "Peter's a bright kid, I like his style. Let's send him out to the Boston office and let those guys sniff his ass for a couple of weeks. If they don't like what they see, then we'll can the bastard."

Stan: "Peter, why don't you come out to Boston and let us sniff your ass for a little bit? Not trying to scare you, but Bill would like us to evaluate your performance."
Peter: "Man, you guys are such a bunch of brown-nosers."
by nicholas d November 7, 2007
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