10 definitions by monkeyboy

The mixture of syrup and butter that rolls off of waffles while being eaten.
Dude, you just got waffle juice all over your crotch!
by monkeyboy February 14, 2005
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Wanna be special. Someone who spends way too much time online to not be on welfare.
by monkeyboy July 25, 2003
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n. A hard core coder. One who hacks.

v. To code or hack at a computer, usually in the late hours of the night.

Originated at WPI in the mid 70's, but still has a strong hold on the geeks who reside there.
guy1: you look tired, were you gweepin' all night?
gweep: yup, had to rewrite all of Jim's code again...
by monkeyboy December 19, 2003
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