12 definitions by middle finger

It is still beastality/bestality regardless of whether or not it's mutual. But then again, what the hell is mutual about that shit anyway when the animal only prefers to mate with its own species.
People who call themselves "Zoosexuals" are simply looking for an excuse to rape animals.
by middle finger September 1, 2003
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A game that sony roolz has never played since he is too attempting sexual intercourse with his Playstation 2.
Jesus Christ! When is sony roolz going to shut the hell up?
by middle finger June 25, 2003
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A man with balls. One who can see that Ja Rule is a useless piece of shit who cannot rap and looks like a sewer rat.
Ja Rule haters of the world, UNITE!!!
by middle finger August 17, 2003
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THe word can also apply to ricers, since they have an obsession with Japanese cars and they "modify" them into neon-lighted, over-painted, Kanji-decorated, bigass exhaust-pipe, low-chassis monstrosities that can't even go over a speed bump without taking serious damage. And thanks to crappy racing movies like The Fast and the Furious, we now have a big explosion of backward capped, baggy-pants-wearing nerds who will mutilate otherwise good Japanese cars just to be "the shizzle".
Damn. Look at what that Wapanese did to his mom's Honda Civic. The chassis is scraping against the road, the pink and green paintjob is flaking off, and there are so many headlights installed that it would permanently blind any oncoming traffic.
by middle finger January 20, 2004
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More like Shamway to me. I'm not buying their shit.
The Amway cult only wants to convert you into a mindless slave of their company, which only exists to drain money off suckers who buy their inferior-quality products.
by middle finger August 26, 2003
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