4 definitions by michael cunningham

To fart discretely and then walk away from the scene so as not to be detected.
"My stinky was completely undetected, Susan...I crop-dusted my way across the party."
by michael cunningham January 28, 2004
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when something or someone is in a physical state that is beyond repair, can be induced by alcoholic beverages amongst the human species.
thon buck's completely banjacked
by michael cunningham April 18, 2005
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A culchie term for the more polite 'no' response.
This nite will be an ogeous broze
Response: buckin' apt!}
by michael cunningham April 18, 2005
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A disease found commonly among those who use 1 ply toilet paper. Occurs when finger breaks paper boundry resulting in a horrid stench of the digits.
DAMN... poofinger again!
by michael cunningham January 28, 2004
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