58 definitions by mcnuggetdestroyer

To chop off a guy's dick, most likely with a steak knife. It originated from a woman named Lorena Bobbit, who sliced off her husband's penis in 1993.
If you say another word, I will bobbitise you.
by mcnuggetdestroyer February 3, 2018
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The 45th president of the U.S., Donald Trump created this word. It's very random and nobody really knows what it means.
by mcnuggetdestroyer December 31, 2018
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What someone says when they think somebody else is hot and sexy.
Damn. That girl is hella fine.
by mcnuggetdestroyer January 5, 2018
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A manipulative guy that makes up lies about everyone else to make himself appear to be a better person. He is willing to screw everyone else over for his own benefit. He is very arrogant as well. Ladies (and gentlemen who are not straight), steer clear of Luke P’s.
OMG he’s such a Luke P. Please save yourself and don’t go out with him.
by mcnuggetdestroyer June 13, 2019
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When you are in a potential relationship but you realize that you aren't in to the other person.
What a shame, I had a slow fade for Brad.
by mcnuggetdestroyer February 3, 2018
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Someone who spoils the book or movie for you. They will find out the endings of things just to spoil them and to piss you off.
OMG! Marilyn is a spoiler slut.
by mcnuggetdestroyer January 4, 2018
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Somebody who goes to Burger King and orders 27+ whopper burgers and a bunch of large packs of fries. They often order a lot of chicken nuggets too.
by mcnuggetdestroyer January 3, 2018
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