18 definitions by master stghm

Xanga is a web log community, or blog, for people too stupid or lazy to learn html and make a real website. Then they put pictures of them and their friends or their pet as a profile picture, then say their main interest is God and tell us about their boring Christian life in a preppy-fad way.
Jane - "You so tottally have to check out my xanga!"

Judy - "OKAY!!"

On the blog ---

OMG so today i was reallee mad at dis boi for punching me in da face da toher day! i am sfp i tonite am going to his house and sh00ting him, whtih a water pistle of course! lol well i gots 2 go feed my kitty! byez (#__#)
by master stghm January 24, 2005
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an onomonpeoa used to describe the sound of a frog without making a fool of ones self
The frog goes ribbit.
by master stghm April 4, 2004
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Sometimes said by a marching band when puting the instrument to their mouths.
*drum drum drumma drumma drum drum drum drum drrrruuuuummm* "RUP" *DAAA DAAAA DAA DA DA DAAAAAAAAAA*
by master stghm April 4, 2004
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A quick and simple definition (unlike the guy's up there)

A costume that one puts on that makes someone look like an animal. Usually used by furries and actors.
Furries often wear fursuits to furry conventions.
by master stghm April 4, 2004
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