4 definitions by masochistic angel

A girl who fucked her way to the top by fucking old men and will do anything to bring your fantasies to life as long as you eat her pussy, which tastes like Pepsi-Cola, (this is something she will brag about often). You will normally meet girls like this from either LA or New York. She may have also lived in a trailer park.
She a Dirty Lana! You can tell by her swagger and them hips. Her pussy flavour is my favourite, just like Pepsi-Cola!
by masochistic angel March 23, 2020
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A place where Canadians flock to (almost like birds) every day to smoke their darts(cigarettes) & get a good ol' cup of Timmie's coffee!
Hey! Wanna go meet Jim-Bob at Tim Horton's and smoke a dart or two while we drink our Timmie's??
by masochistic angel March 23, 2020
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A show that's so addicting you can't seem to stop watching but the show's writing is so cringe at times and can make so little sense that you want to pull your hair out!
You ever see Riverdale? Damn, it's good but it's cringe as hell! It's the definition of a 'Teen Drama'.
by masochistic angel March 23, 2020
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When you're hotboxing with your friend and you get so stoned that you mean to say "I'm so cheeched" but your highass says "I'm so chonged" instead. Getting this high normally takes a lot of weed. Even though it is a fuckup, it will cause a lot of laughter.
Damn, I can't believe my stoned dumbass just said "I'm so chonged!"
by masochistic angel March 23, 2020
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