27 definitions by ma dude bra

the face when the urban dictionary doesn't know what your searching up.
person 1: whats that

person 2: ツ

person 1: oh
by ma dude bra January 29, 2020
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the face when the urban dictionary doesn't know what your searching up.
person 1: whats that

person 2: ツ

person 1: oh
by ma dude bra January 29, 2020
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poo that smells worse than normal.
person 1: what is that smell

person 2: its skunky poo
by ma dude bra January 29, 2020
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when you type up everything on your keyboard and then hold shift and type everything again and hoped that you beat the urban dictionary because you were bored.
by ma dude bra February 24, 2020
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