99 definitions by mARY

Couples operate in public areas, and they display affection such as holding hands, kissing etc. They do this to rub it in single people's faces that they don't have a boyfriend/girlfriend.
'Woh. There's some serious PDA goin on here. I wish they'd bugger off, they're makin me depressed.'
by mARY November 25, 2003
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fucking until your face turns blue. Just chillin liek a villain. Fooling around. Undefined happiness and pure pleasure, first enjoyed by papa smurf and smurfette.
STOP SMURFING AROUND? What have you been doing today? smurfing...
by mARY January 8, 2005
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A girl that is 35 years of age trying to pretend she's cheerleader and sex idol.
Qwen Stephani is an example of cronehood.
by mARY April 7, 2005
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A 35 year old woman who pretends to be a cheerlead and sex idol.
by mARY April 7, 2005
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cake, or cake flavoring
"I like leit."
by mARY December 6, 2003
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"Look at that flower, that's Ros, if ever i saw it"
by mARY July 22, 2003
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Golden Yellow Shortning, produced in 1950's
by mARY December 1, 2003
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