11 definitions by lloyd winburn

semper I A play on the Marine Corps Semper Fidelis. Noun
Semper I, used to indicate selfishness, self-centered tendencies, a selfish indivudual or group; Adjective semper I, used to describe a person's actions as rugged individualist who disregards other opinions, property and ideas
As a Noun:
Semper I is his name. He was the semper I who walked all over her in the office to get the job

As an Adjective:
His was a semper I position, and he could not prevail.
As a semper I he volunteered simply for the glory
by lloyd winburn March 8, 2007
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CAPITOLISM: Neither Capitalism or Socialism. A hybrid. An economic theory growing out of indifference, economic stupidity, fostered by self interest and lack of knowledge or basic economics, history or social needs of either of the two different approaches. An economic system without direction, coherence or reason. The practice brings to regulations, laws and budgets confusion and the consequence being economic disaster.

Those people in the Capitol advocate a distinct Capitolism.
by lloyd winburn October 11, 2008
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tortillologist An expert on tortillas. The one who pursues the profession of kowing all there is to know of the manufacture, production, preparing, eating, marketing tortillas.
Tortillogist is the person who knows everything there is about tortillas; the thickness, moister, size, cocking details, marketing and consumption of tortillas. A tortillogist is an expert in the manufacture of tortillas. The original Tortillologist was John Manuel Solis who coined the term
by lloyd winburn February 3, 2009
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tortillologist An expert on tortillas. The one who pursues the profession of kowing all there is to know of the manufacture, production, preparing, eating, marketing tortillas.
Tortillogist is the person who knows everything there is about tortillas; the thickness, moister, size, cocking details, marketing and consumption of tortillas. A tortillogist is an expert in the manufacture of tortillas. The original Tortillologist was John Manuel Solis who coined the term
by lloyd winburn February 3, 2009
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