2 definitions by literally dies

This is the most common type a of proshipper.

This proshipper thinks that problematic ships such as abuse, incest, and/or pedophilia are ok to ship as long as it is completely fictional and tagged.

This type of proshipper will most likely not bring politics unrelated topics such as racism or queerphobia into the conversation.
Person 1: Proshippers fucking bring random shit into their arguement to make them sound ok for shipping kids

Type 1 proshipper: Not all do that, which is why shit like this should be separated
by literally dies November 24, 2021
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BAB: Breathing A Bit

- The initial reaction to a funny joke on the internet is almost never to laugh, we usually breath a bit. Could also be used in the same context of "lol/lel" to make a serious or awkward statement less serious or awkward.
Person A: Dude! Look this meme.

Person B: That's so funny bab
by literally dies August 27, 2022
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