21 definitions by leadthrower

A slang term used to describe a Soldier's or Marine's Kevlar balistic helmet.
Hey man, I saw some ass clown using your K Pot as a basin.
by leadthrower August 28, 2006
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an Infantry soldier, tough guy, one who like to be rough.
Oh, Christ. There is a shooter in that building. Send the door kickers over there to get him.
by leadthrower August 29, 2006
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A military term used to convey acknowlegement and/or understanding.
Squad Leader: Alpha team, Recon the hill in grid TD234437, Tracking?

Alpha Team Leader: What is a grid?

Squad Leader: You are tracking like a broken VCR!
by leadthrower August 28, 2006
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A term of endearment given to the military combat helmet, many moons ago.
Put your brain bucket on, it wasn't given to you to use as a stool.
by leadthrower August 28, 2006
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Q: Hey, what's going on with your promotion?
A: I don't know, I'm in a holding patern.
by leadthrower September 1, 2006
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Any action that is typical of a man.
Like a boyfriend telling his girlfriend that she is fat, hoping this will motivate her her exersice and eat right. We all know this will drive them to 1 of 3 things, often times all.

1. hysterics
2. binge eating
3. strange cock

Frank: Steves girlfriend broke up with him, he went to the nude and spent $2,000, then, went to the bar and tooled an ugly chick.

Rizzo: Christ, what a friggin' man maneuver.
by leadthrower August 31, 2006
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A term to describe one who plays video games and role playing games so much, that they have lost all touch with reallity. They think that they are really the characters that are on the games, I.E, military game players actually think they are warriors, role playing game players think they are gnomes.

A term to use at a bar to repel women who are giving you unwanted attention.
Sweet Baby Jesus! He has a L.O.R tattoo! He must be a 10th level Gnome.

Fugly Girl: You are so hot, I want to go home with you.

Annoyed Guy: I am a 10th Level Gnome.

Fugly Girl: You should shoot yourself.
by leadthrower August 29, 2006
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