258 definitions by krock1dk@yahoo.com

The Sunshine State, known for its boobs, bods and beaches. Panama City, south Beach in Miami, Daytona Beach and Cocoa Beach are its best known beaches. The most populated state in the southeast and 4th overall in the U.S. with about 17 million residents and growing exponentially. Tallahassee is the capital, while Jacksonville is the largest city, Tampa is the largest single metro area but Miami-Dade is the largest urban agglomeration. It's very diverse: Cubans are the largest minority and found in far southern Florida. You can see a bunch of them migrating to its shores in inner tubes. Also penty of homos, freeks, sluts, rich old farts, poor old farts, pedophiles, druggies and panhandlers. The grumpy old people from the Northern states, called snowbirds do nothing but play golf and drive recklessly. Florida is a haven for drugs, crime and violence, due to its rapid population growth. Miami is probably the drug capital of America. What a place. FL is a political swing state. It has been a laughingstock since the 2000 Presidential election when it underwent 3 recounts in a few select counties, giving the election to W. The people are so stupid they can’t even punch a tiny hole in a voting card. Florida’s housing boom has become a bust. Investors recently built numerous highrise condos in Miami that have yet to be sold as the market continues to fall. The irony is that Florida’s 17 million morons rebuild their homes year after year each time a hurricane hits. Talk about stupidity. They can't vote, cant drive and have to always rebuild their homes after a hurricane. Get a clue, people! It’s a nice place to visit but dam if you want to live there. Its largest tourists attractions are Walt Disney Word-Magic Kingdom, Bush Gardens and Gator World.

Florida is overcrowded and sucks. You 17 million morons can have it. Learn how vote and drive, people!
by krock1dk@yahoo.com August 8, 2007
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An area of the U.S., primarily the South, that has an enormously large number of Protestants. It's also a stereotypical term that recognizes the far southern United States for its faith, morals and huge presence of Protestant denominations including the Southern Baptist Convention (SBC), the world’s largest Protestant denomination. This stereotype paints people in the region as Rednecks, NASCAR lovers, radical Bible thumpers, and narrowminded bigots.

The Bible Belt stereotype is most prevalent in rural areas of the South, however.
by krock1dk@yahoo.com March 29, 2008
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The antithesis of love--love gives (unconditionally) while lust takes. Don't ever confuse the two.
Lust cannot and nor ever will be equated with love.
by krock1dk@yahoo.com December 16, 2007
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An NFL team that has a God-given talent for knowing how to lose games. They ALWAYS find a way to lose after leading in the fourth quarter. A rival team to the Chicago Bears and Green Bay Packers.
The Detroit Lions are probably the best of the worst teams in the NFL.
by krock1dk@yahoo.com August 17, 2007
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The only reason a person with no college education or skills can earn $25 an hour for unskilled labor while sitting around and doing nothing, showing up for work late or drunk, calling in sick half the time and without concern for punishment, taking a very long lunch and like 5 breaks, and getting most holidays off while having the audacity to complain and demand more from his company and go on strike about his company’s alleged “unfair” working conditions. The only thing that would be “fair” is for the company to kick the union and its lazy employees like this to the curb and replace them with hardworking people who would be grateful to have such high pay and benefits for unskilled work.

I hate the union! All labor unions are antiquated, corrupt, useless and a detrement to corporate America. The union(s) are also the reason so many industrial jobs in this country are going to Mexico and China.
by krock1dk@yahoo.com April 25, 2008
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An interstate that goes from New York City to San Francisco. It is almost the longest road in the U.S.
80 is boring for thousands of miles between western New York state and Central Wyoming, with nothing but farms, flat praries or cornfields.
by krock1dk@yahoo.com December 9, 2007
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A reality tv show on CBS, created by Mark Burnett, that debued in the summer of 2000 and features sixteen contestants or “castaways” originally composed of two teams of eight that live in seclusion in a remote part of the world to eat bugs, snakes, dirt, game and scorpions for like a month for a million dollars. Physical competitions are held each week to determine which team will win an award challenge, and then another challenge to determine who will win immunity. The team that doesnt win immunity must vote off a teammate. This also happens after the tribal merge but immunity goes to the individual instead and an individual is then voted out of the game. Midway through the season, the two teams are merged to form a single tribe when the real cut-throat part of the game really begins, where your friend is now your foe. The winner of the $1 million is announced on live television on the last episode.

The show has been filmed in such remote locations as Borneo (the 1st season), the Australian Outback, the Marcaisas, the Amazon, China, Pearl Islands, Panama and Fiji.
Let's be honest, the only way you can appear as a contestant on Survivor, is by being gay (Richard Hatch, the original winner), a model, a freek or incrediblly narcistic like Johnny Fairplay (the most evil Survivor contestant ever). Normal people need not apply.
by krock1dk@yahoo.com April 29, 2008
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