1 definition by kimbo slice the sumpre h'er

Hitting myself off. An HMO is any action that brings one pleasure either immediately, or in the near or extended future. If the action brings one pain in the present, but pleasure in the future one describes this situation as "HM Noing for the eventual SUPREME HMO" The HMO is sought after in many tribes and nations as it represents the ultimate expression and experience of happiness and joy. It is impossible to not be pleased while HMOing.

May also be shortened to simply the "h"
"Kim, what are you doing?"

"Oh you know, just H'ing"

"helll yah girl. you know how its done"


"Sally Que, why are you studying so hard instead of going out to have fun with your friends"

" oh you know, gotta hmNO tonight so i can H myself with that chronss B+ tomorrow"


"dammmmmmmmmmnnnnn. that pleasure fest was the chronnnsssss hmo. i can hardly take it anymore. all of my senses were engaged"
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