3 definitions by joezen777

When you say shit in Texas in mock outrage like Yosemite Sam, especially after stepping in dog shit or doing something stupid like pre-drilling 3/8" holes for 1/4" wood screws.
Bubba: Aw shiut!
Sambo: What?
Bubba: Dog shit, on my boots. Shiut!
by joezen777 May 5, 2016
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To piss silently against the side of the toilet in order to compensate for a friend's lack of noise insulation in their apartment.
You should try to pisper next time, everyone at the party just heard your Niagara impression.
by joezen777 May 5, 2016
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Perspective humping. When you line up with another person and pretend like you are humping them through the use of forced perspective. Usually best when caught on camera.
At zentalklaugh, when Jon wasn't looking, Frank starting phumping him when he bent over to check the calendar.
by joezen777 August 12, 2010
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