17 definitions by jared l. ohlinger

The new name applied to "America" since it's hostile take over by "Big Business"...
AmeriCorp has no problem whatsoever oppressing it's slaves (formerly known as citizens) as long as it remains ridiculously profitable...

How can anyone compete with AmeriCorp's sweat shops and child labor... they make China look like human rights Heaven...
by jared l. ohlinger May 4, 2008
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Pinhead that believes their candidates rhetoric of "Hope" and "Change" mean something when in reality his platform consists of hoping he can change something... anything...

How many Obamanites does it take to screw in a light bulb... none... they'll sit on their fat lazy asses and wait for someone else to do it for them...

I suppose the Obamanites are succeeding in "changing" the "hope" America had for a new dawning to the dreaded hell of a second Carter Presidency...
by jared l. ohlinger March 3, 2009
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Group of pinheads that believe their candidates rhetoric of "Hope" and "Change" mean something when in reality his platform consists of hoping he can change something... anything...
The Obamanites showed up in full force at the caucuses to attempt to coerce... manipulate... and intimidate their candidate to a Presidential nomination...

I suppose the Obamanites are succeededing in "changing" the "hope" America had for a new dawning to the dreaded hell of a second Carter Presidency...
by jared l. ohlinger June 14, 2008
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Group of pinheads that believe their candidates rhetoric of "Hope" and "Change" mean something when in reality his platform consists of hoping he can change something... anything...
The Obamanites showed up in full force at the caucuses to attempt to coerce... manipulate... and intimidate their candidate to a Presidential nomination...

I suppose the Obamanites are succeededing in "changing" the "hope" America had for a new dawning to the dreaded hell of a second Carter Presidency...
by jared l. ohlinger June 15, 2008
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The transformation of the media from journalism to sensationalism as the news has gone from a service to a business...
The cable news networks at one time has some sort of sense of journalistic integrity... now they're just Political Paparazzi trying to play King Maker...
by jared l. ohlinger April 1, 2008
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The correct spelling for the term "progressive" when used to define the movement from a Constitutional Government into a Socialist Hell Hole...

Progressieves suck all the progress out of a country, it's industry, and it's citizens through the process of separating them from their money to do what is proclaimed to be in the best interest of the "whole" (which is code for members of the ruling party)...
The Progressieve Movement in the United States began in the early 1900's but it wasn't until the turn of the 21st Century they gained enough of a foot hold through rigged elections and illegal immigration to steal enough votes to turn a once proud, industrious nation into a fascist hellhole...
by jared l. ohlinger July 1, 2009
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"Deniers" are the people that refuse to accept the reality that no matter how many times you tell the lies about Barack's birth certificate it will never become the truth...
I was watching "The View" the other day and that group of Yentas was sitting there arguing with Donald Trump about Barry Soetoro's birthplace and not a single one of them used a shred of verifiable proof to bolster their case... I'm so sick of these Deniers... if you can't prove "your truth"... it will never be anything but a lie...
by jared l. ohlinger April 21, 2011
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