10 definitions by james bond!

A sweet game for Xbox that about 99% of the population insists is "overrated" and "not worth the money", merely because they themselves most likely can't buy it, don't own an Xbox, or just can't play the game worth shit, so they resort to bashing it.
I creamed Josh on LAN while playing Halo yesterday...cause I rock.
by james bond! September 10, 2004
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An average movie that would've been better had it not been a rip-off of the first one made back in the 70's, which kicked ass. The demon looks exactly the same! Dumbasses...also, William Peter Blatty, the creator of the original Exorcist, did not approve of this film.
Dumbass: Holy shit, did you see The Exorcist?!
Me: Yeah, it sucked balls.
Dumbass: No it didn't, it was cool!!!!
Me: Have you even seen the first one?
Dumbass: There's another one! Sweet, now I'm going to finger myself to Anna Nicole Smith!
Me: *sets dumbass on fire*
by james bond! September 9, 2004
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A Ball, or gathering, attended by various Playa Haters on Chappelle's Show, including, but not limited to, Silky Johnson, Buc Nasty, Mr. Roboto, and Ice-T.
HBO now takes you into the underground world of the Playa Haters...
by james bond! September 8, 2004
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