142 definitions by illinoishorrorman

When you nail a fictional author who wrote with high fantasy tropes and gets celebrated but the one who gets shunned gets pissed on for writing something much harder in the same era. It's the thing that would invoke a flamewar. Kealan Patrick Burke and Christine Morgan had been the subject of the journalistic kapow, the more hardcore term is getting freight-trained.
Author Kealan Patrick Burke flies off the handle when he was delivered a journalistic kapow from an author who appeared on a defunct e-zine he also appeared on two years later. A known fanfiction.net writer of 100 fanfics celebrates him. While the author who gets urinated on wrote a true crime piece that played up like The Tell-Tale Heart with stronger language as it was introduced on AuthorsDen, ThoughtCafe and FictionPress a year later. "Why don't you ask Bram the Talking Wonder Dog about The Cabbie Homicide."
by illinoishorrorman February 10, 2018
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Hot dog joint in Chicago known for the mutual double homicide combat between patrons and employees. I had gone there in 2012 and held my own with with the barbs as Poochie didn't cuss that day -- the CBS show The Great Indoors had a character brought in there unknowingly aware of the mutual woof ticket profanity thrown at each other as Poochie herself appeared on the episode (that would got past the censors if they had the real Poochie.)

If you're from Utah you might have your virgin ears reamed. What ever you do, for the love of God don't fucking ask for a Chocolate Shake and don't put ketchup on a hot dog in eye shot. If you don't believe me about the attitude; look up their twitter as they have the staff giving the bird.
Rockaway, New Jersey tourist in Chicago, "Where is somewhere around here to eat?"
Local -- if you can handle the mutual double homicide combat there's a hot dog joint called Weiner's Circle
Rockaway Tourist, "Okay I will check it out."
Walking in and orders a hot dog, then someone in the line orders a chocolate shake.

The tourist wishing she had some brain bleach as she heard them insult her with reference to a Nuclear Power Plant reference.
by illinoishorrorman January 20, 2018
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Wham line according to TVTropes is employed when someone invokes something extremely psychological or philosophy laced in a dark tone -- it's the thing where Black Comedy sometimes ensues, edit wars on wordpress comments, LiveJournal gang ups, twitter gangups, copyrape by blogtroll, and the industry when pissed at me because I am fond of using double homicide laced wham-lines and it's the polite term for freight-trained as Fandom Wank was pissed when An Eye In Shadows emerged because I had the rapid fire wham-lines at Mindset aka her real name. Holden's Counterpart has a whamline in form of a question, as The Fandom Writer whamline is "you're a thief with a word processor." The light blue blog is notorious for wham-lining as I laid into the cabal when I had a 13,000 word pdf hammering into each of them equating e-book piracy to sneaking into a movie theater with a smart phone and making a video of the damn thing then uploading this to Youtube. Ghosts in the Tornado is known for a very explicit barbed whamline at Jehovah's Witnesses implying how God really hates them as the line had my room mate at the time howling when he beta read this. It's known for the ghoulish storm humor. Ghoulish humor is laced with whamlines if you look close enough.
Kealan Patrick Burke's response to The Fandom Writer's infamous wham line was a weak display of double homicide profanity as he threatened to fly to Chicago to put him into a wall. The author employed slur laced wham lines on his tumblr blog barbed at him such as "Fucking Drunk Leprechaun" and to the blogtroll who lifted his psychological vampire story named for the goth hard rock track of the same name "Non Educated Delinquent" who happens to be a cross-dresser. The blogtroll tweeted a 'wooden spoon' as a barb as he joked to VampireFreaks admin and his cousin who worked at the Illinois School of Broadcasting, the admin was trying to understand the unique problems Italian-Americans face. The 'wooden spoon' joke came up from his cousin. Some in the LiveJournal circles noticed the brass balls of the then Goth LiveJournal admin during the era; when he revealed he is a Conservative and introduced The Cabbie Homicide.
by illinoishorrorman January 18, 2018
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It's the small press publishing term for FanFiction.net circles who emerge from here; some publishers had decided to get on the site and feature their own takes on fandom. One of the writers in the circuit was published for less than year under the encouragement of his wife, a small publisher in Seattle who also published the controversial writer who emerged on Quakes And Storms: A Natural Disaster Anthology. One of the writers who also been published emerged after seeing The Statue as Fanlore.org followed her some as she brought one of the outings to AuthorsDen.com. Fandom_Wank it's safe to say were not pleased when they found out fanwriters were getting published in the small press along side original fiction writers from out of the box years before mommy porn emerged.
You'd be surprised in the mid-2000s who emerged from here, as the indie publishing circles would have a weird look from where it's known as The Fan Circuit . An Archive Of Our Own points out some of them. As what they failed to realize that some of them were published on the semi-professional circles since 2002 as a few appeared in the e-pages of Twilight Times. The one who is known as Joni designed the logo for the historic e-zine from the 1990s. Her print debut in the short form appeared on a Pensacola based anthology called "Reality Check: An Anthology Of Horror." Where she did the final edits to the story that's an alternate to the short story that the synopsis was for in the anthology known as "House of Spiders." Fanlore.org followed her Fan Circuit ties as she introduced a piece to AuthorsDen.com in the 2002 era as her original fiction output in the era was more high fantasy. Her short story output was Gothic Horror as she was the other Gothic Horror delegate in Reality Check.
by illinoishorrorman February 14, 2018
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Coined by alumni of The House Of Pain when the infamous short story The Fandom Writer invoked critical backlash when it was introduced as Independent Baptist sects saw this on a larger scale. The Ethereal Gazette: Issue Five saw this as The Wright Treatment where the contributor, a Christian High School English Teacher, known as David Wright with every entry in the indie circles shows his work. The entire King James Only Movement knew of this blog entry and blocked him from every channel; it's safe to say they were pissed. Some would try to use an entry known as pacione-style but they didn't define this properly. Fandom_Wank saw this play up in An Eye In Shadows as the classmates saw it with the entry Nazi Eyes With A Jesus Smile.
The House of Pain alumni Horns and Bob L. Morgan is noted to coin this for seeing the backlash The Fandom Writer invoked as Holden's Counterpart also did this. On Tumblr he did this to the entire young earth creationist academia known as The Science Gospel after engaging Uneducated Huckster and Fucking Cartoon; then he pointed out to both establishments he was not done.

He saw one of the riplingers badmouthing Stephen Hawking with Scripture, in the private messages on Facebook -- she saw The Pacione Blast played up where a snow monkey mimicked what he was known for. As it was a bit of a history lesson on Ancient Greece then pulling out a drawing Horace Gilgamesh did; as he called "Sam's Creation Blog" a dunce -- the barb came from that artwork. Pointed out, "You mock this gesture you're really lacking on the department of Ancient Greece ."

His closing author, known as blogger Reverend Beast did a blog entry that gave Thing That One Finds a nasty sting as his 2004 story has the iconic photo from the 2007 era when The Ethereal Gazette: Issue Five was close to ready.
by illinoishorrorman March 31, 2018
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It's a relatively new style of horror that emerged with an anthology called Reality Check: An Anthology Of Horror. It's part horror story part documentary (the narration is used as an unspoken narrator, the video camera, TV camera, or portable vid camera.)
The Blair Witch Project is a good example of the docuhorror sub-genre. This kind of horror makes one think. It makes it scary because it would have a real time effect.
by illinoishorrorman October 9, 2010
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A polite way of saying someone drops all the fuck relatives and then some. Pastor's wife that happened to be a classsmate during the era of the original events of The Cabbie Homicide as The Chicago Tribune reported, responded to the colorful language laced retort like a vampire to holy water.
A christian blogger, "Thank you for your comment, unfortunately I need to edit one line because of the colorful language you used in the statement."
Me, "Shit do you realize that your own Old Testament has the line "Drink your own piss and eat your own dung?"
The Blogger: *Blush*
Me: "time to stop using the fucking pseudo-profanity and it's okay to say 'piss drinking bastard'"
by illinoishorrorman January 18, 2018
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