142 definitions by illinoishorrorman

"Dr." Kent Hovind as I had called him this via my facebook page. Noted as Eric posted, "The swearing. Not Cool."

The now hilarious crack became the taunt of human-dinosaur coexistence dogma. As "Flintstones Christianity" and "Cartoon Theology" emerged from the joke as it came from the barrage of tumblr posts I did. I had seen his followers attempt to use Answers in Genesis as a website to refute me as I was using real science websites and the local CBS affiliate which did an article about The Tully Monster fossil at Mazon Creek in Grundy County. Shrews sent me sketch of this after writing my crossover into Science Fiction the first time.

The actual exchanges became the FictionPress biting science fiction satire, The Thing That One Finds based from Forbes, a thesis I found on Academia.edu which deconstructed the thesis from the pseudo-college Patriot University as Rational Wiki also chronicled. I had pointed out I was an accidental curator of a museum in print as I coined the terms "Museum of Nothing" and "Bullshit Museum" as these alleged creation "science" museums are.
Eric Hovind via "Dr." Kent Hovind's page, "As for the swearing. Not cool"

Me -- "Kent, if you believe humans and dinosaurs co-existed it would not look like the Flintstones but more like Carnosaur, you Fucking Cartoon."

I went to the YouTube video page where "Yer a Fucktard" video is hosted, my comment "He's a fucking cartoon" as the creator was cracking up because I was fresh from making the crack on Hovind's facebook page via my own public page as a comment. Oh shit, Uneducated Huckster blocked me twice -- first on facebook then on twatter oh that's cute :laughing: go to a community college and take a few real science classes huckster. The barbs on Creation "Science" Evangelism's facebook page became darker and edgier as I invoked jokes referring to Richard Matheson and H. P. Lovecraft as the setup for the zing at the King James Version Only offspring. Implying going to one of their Independent Baptist church services with Richard Matheson's book "Nightmare At 20,000 Feet" and opening to the story called The Children of Noah. The Call of Cthulhu reference got some howls. Some in horror circles noted, "Not even Turtle Boy had the stones to do that. And even funnier you invoked controversy just for laughs."

Two Ton Anvil cracks, "You just love poking a stick in a hornets nest." Even more howls ensue from the heavy metal community as I pulled out Iron Maiden's myspace playlist on the tumblr post with the Ken Ham vs. Bill Nye debate.
by illinoishorrorman January 20, 2018
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Pat Robertson's term when he saw someone who could been from Boystown or Queer as Folk engaging in rule34 on Facebook, in 2013 as a media website noted this one. The industry liked to spear me for having similar vocal views about the subject. Two men or two women just can't reproduce as it's not scientifically possible. If Pat Robertson looked up TVTropes and seen his quip let's put it like this, all of us who are Conservatives took the crack and ran with it as it also became a running joke.
Pat Robertson is no stranger to controversy, he not only coined this imaginary facebook button hence the "vomit button" but he also pissed off Answers in Genesis and "Dr." Dino along with the pseudo-academia establishment in Pensacola as he famously spoke up for the science of evolution as he confirmed to be a theistic evolutionist. It's up there with the scientific faith based enigma known as Hugh Ross when he confirmed to be a Progressive Creationist as this is a form of Old Earth Creationism. Even at his age he's still not afraid to piss off his denomination as the Baptist mainstream tend to play into the "Flintstones Theology" of Ken Ham.
by illinoishorrorman January 26, 2018
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One of the almost cuss words that Dani Filth of Cradle of Filth and Nikk 'Skum' Dibs both share -- seen first on Cradle of Filth's social network with his official profile, then with Nikk when he joined Dope employed use of it. This gets joked about in the thesis "The Transparent Confession" on Academia.edu. It's a funny f-bomb replacement.
Dani Filth with his profile, "It's all fuggin strange." He tells fans with his infamous Jesus shirt -- it's not wise to wear this in public, author held his own producing Thing That One Finds pointed out his own controversies can rival him as in 2006 he wore the controversial statement where the t-shirt called Pelosi the B-word as it was worn as a promotional shot promoting Insomnia Magazine. In the academia debut of The Cabbie Homicide's guilty party he discusses the use of this word between the two of them -- Nikk 'Skum' Dibs was ribbed on playfully in The Science Gospel suggesting he would had gotten a microscope over one of his admitted science nerd moments.
by illinoishorrorman May 10, 2018
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A weird thing to emerge as sometimes you see the small press emerge from the circuit. I ushered writers from this circuit when I see something unique done with it especially in the Edgar Allan Poe, Twilight Zone and Masters of Horror fandom. Noted these three one will see original works getting sneaked onto fanfiction net. Sometimes one gets full lengths aka a brick where the characters don't belong to them Holden's Counterpart is a creative nonfiction story that references a true paranormal account I appear with in Withersin Magazine. I learned a neat trick from the Catcher of the Rye fandom as I did an exact style match with my creative nonfiction deconstruct.

In creative nonfiction terminology this is often known as illicit lit. Though there are some who became rich because of doing this with real person fandom as Wattpad ushered one out there as I ushered a few in 2005-2007 then in 2010. As the author, who is know as E. L. James made a mint lifting from the sparkle vampire fandom. Author Nicholas Grabowsky famously novelized Halloween IV based on the original screenplay where he mentions in depth scenes from the hospital in Halloween. The semipro and small press market you see the fanfiction counterpart get ushered though Christine Morgan aka The Queen of Gargoyle Fan Fiction. Noted for a reputation for using creative nonfiction writers as a verbal toilet as she thinks they're below them as I had nailed her for trying to sabotage submissions.
There is this one work of fanfiction that came from 1000 Ways To Die that's extremely journalistic for his young age, it's a unique angle as he shows his work -- it mirrors some of my in depth blogs on wordpress as I featured one that's a mid-range. The expose "Boycotting Truth" I link a piece from Halloween with a science site examining the psychology of Michael Myers when discussing Eric Wright from The Chicago Tribune article speaking of the original events before The Cabbie Homicide was written. fanfiction writer encountering The Fandom Writer "FUCK" this bastard hates slash fandom writers with passion. Though his frustration with fanfiction writers he's still willing to open the doors to us to be published pending on the fandom. Joe Moxley was approaching the topic of illicit lit from an academic standpoint for college students as one sneaked an academia on fanfiction as I suggested he try posting this on WritersCafe.org where he can link his sources for his college thesis on Edgar Allan Poe.
by illinoishorrorman February 21, 2018
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An interesting horror phenomenon which it was formed from a journalistic hoax from a man who had SomethingAwful ties creating the figure known as slenderman. The precursor to this was the now defunct e-zine known as The House of Pain which established in 1994.

The guilty party behind The Cabbie Homicide, he in 2006 introduced a creative nonfiction piece called The Pattern of Diagnosis introduced on his own mag and in a Philly based mag in autumn of 2007. The latter compared to the earlier piece was a hope spot in contrast, as this has an eerie personality of it's own often seen as Inspirational though it's eerie atmosphere.

Pinned a piece to his personal pinterest account; a creepypasta piece on fanfiction net examining it as it was the size of his cult horror outings going around and his published output. Tampa Bay Times did an interesting article about the phenomenon as they documented a truecrime that happened in Wisconsin that the subjects stabbed a classmate to honor the fictional entity. It's something born out of what is known as fakelore. Where a journalistic hoax meets weird fiction is when you get the creepypasta output. It shows up on wattpad as the author introduced a horror story that deconstructs how teenagers were portrayed in teen dramas and in slasher films as the actors are often older.

He in 2006 introduced a dry-witted narrator in a short story called Spectral Exile which is quite gory in nature.
creepypasta is a curious thing -- especially the ones that are presented in the 4800 word range without showing up as fannish. The one who goes by the screenname Blackbird bleeds on fanfiction.net produced a piece that can be studied on an academic level. According to Wikipedia -- Slenderman's origin has ties to the writer, H. P. Lovecraft and the pervert who composed "The Naked Lunch" who killed his wife in a drunken idiotic stunt playing "William Tell"with a firearm in the 1940s. The Cabbie Homicide a true crime short story that's has origins in Glendale Heights and Addison, Illinois, plays up a much darker and harder version of The Tell-Tale Heart as some think this is a creepypasta before the term was coined.
by illinoishorrorman March 13, 2018
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See the Chicago Speedway lemon incident as metalheads in Chicago call him "Lemon Nuts" as he got nailed in the nuts with a lemon; it's a guess if a Chicago White Sox pitcher is in the audience and threw the lemon. Durst incited a ho yay laced tirade at Chicago radio icon Mancow Muller as MTV.com reported on the 2003 incident as they were on tour with Metallica. MTV Icon ignored all of Metallica's peers and the rest of thrash metal for that matter as they didn't do the Icon right with them. Chicago Sun-Times chronicled Durst slagging on the fans with the taunts "Fucking Pussies" and the crowd "Fuck Fred Durst" as he was pelted with garbage. They know what heavy metal is as they might have a Trouble album in their collection. The "your baseball teams suck" invoked the lemon to the nuts. It's the most high profile projectile nut shot. The website Metal Underground chronicled the lemon projectile incident as it's the joke that the Chicago metal community runs with; as Anthrax came in town and tore shit up in Chicago Heights. He employed some pretty explicit sexual put downs where The Cabbie Homicide writer is a bit funnier with the degrading insults as he applies some of the putdowns to Mary Sangiovanni as a heavy metal band from Chicago took the insult one step further with the crack, "Fuck her and her porn career."
Fred Durst pertaining to Mancow, "I will be fucking Mancow in the ass on your front lawn" as he storms off stage.

The heavy metal community in Chicago, "What a fucking pussy as we're wanting to attend a Limp Bizkit show with a shopping bag full of lemons so we can aim for his nuts backstage." Fred Durst is associated with the projectile nutshot everyone in the metal community won't let the collective butt of the joke live it down.
by illinoishorrorman January 16, 2018
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When you see an asshole committee verbally pissing down your back usually torqued snowflakes or as Jenna Jameson would use the term 'special moron' in a hashtag, I seen the industry gang up on me when it was none of their business when "Plain Jane" Ferridge did a one sided war with me, Cherie M. Priest ended up butting in as she got a c-bomb tossed at her in retort as my blog entry on wordpress speaking about how some investigative don't always return. My insult to her "No one gives fuck about your gardening" as I linked her blog about some of her gardening as I had the YouTube vid known as "Four and Twenty Deadbirds" where I had her first novel signed when she was with a small press. I had spoke with her then publisher asking if she had a history of fucking people over as I remember and I quote when speaking with her on the phone in 2003, "I don't write well with others." My video's closing, "This is the only novel I will ever spend my hard earned money on a I am going to give those readers to my roster on the first namesake as a lot of them write part time."
When one does an investigative report hammering into SomethingAwful for pulling a jayson blair level literary kleptomania, the editor of Queer Fear pulled a tl;dr as he got freight-trained on twitter, "you might as well denied the holocaust you fucking faggot!" That invoked a high profile blowup that saw The Egoless Writer's creator calling me a vile shit. As he claimed the Goon was pulling a prank, as I caught the fuck with my first novel too. I cautioned to the Queer Fear editor not to be in the room with me, but I would end up joining my classmate in the klink as he's a protected species as that invoked one of the more infamous twitter gangup tactics in the industry as I published an alumn of The Huffington Post when he was alive.
by illinoishorrorman January 18, 2018
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