1 definition by hpcbrn

He is guy that is very attractive any girl would be lucky to be with.
A very serious and intimidating guy, but when you get to know him he is a kind, nice, sweet, and generous guy. He may be stubborn sometimes but his intentions are good.

He is a great friend. As long as your on his good side and don’t “stab” him in the back (referring to double crossing, or being a hypocrite) he will help you if you need it. Once you double cross or do him wrong with anyone or anything he cares about you’re dead to him.

He treats his lady like no other. If he truly loves her he treats her as if there were no other girl around. Like your the most beautiful and gorgeous girl in the world. He does what he cans to keep her happy. It’s hard NOT to fall for him.

He is hardworking and does what he has to do to survive (the right way).
Heli was always serious until we really got to know him.
by hpcbrn November 27, 2017
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