3 definitions by grandma's attic

When you drink copious amounts of draft beer for an entire evening. In the morning when you wake up you will blow green smoke out of your ass.
"ah man that beer gave me the worst green lanterns EVER.......listen listen...."
by grandma's attic June 9, 2006
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The orb of fat above a mom's vagina. She must be at least 45 years old or older and wearing a belt.
" Your mom would be a lot hotter if she let me use her cumberbunt as a pillow"
by grandma's attic June 9, 2006
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When a man's pubic hair resembles a bird's nest. Most often you can see the buldge of hair through the crotch of their stoned-wash blue jeans.

Also referred to as a crow's nest, hay bail, or afro balls.
"I would have had supper on that guy's penis if it wasn't for his huge cock nest."
by grandma's attic June 9, 2006
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