34 definitions by g-union 2

A sock Puppet from Late Night With Conan O'Brien that wears a tie and smokes a fake cigar. Voiced/Performed by Robert Smiegel ("Saturday TV Funhouse") He likes to viciously insult celebrities without fear of persecution because no one (Except Eminem) is going to look like an ass trying to come at a Puppet Dog. Triumph's three major enemies are Eminem, J-Lo, and Star Jones.
"J.Lo, J.Lo the giant tail-o
For a doggie's nose, that's the holy grail-o
Shakira's butt's fine, but it won't hold still.
I sniffed Elton John's butt for a thrill.
I sniffed J.Lo's ass and got too touchy feely
She let loose a BOMB that was bigger than Gigli!"
- I Keed
by g-union 2 July 31, 2004
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(N.) The Best Heel Wrestler on the WWe Program "Smackdown!" and the longest reigning WWe Champion. Although he is on Smackdown! (the corny show), and doesn't have much competition (Angle and Booker-T excused) he still is the WWe Champion.

"It's Morning Again, in America!"
Not J.B./J.B. Imitator (pussy), but JBL, the WWe Champion.
by g-union 2 November 24, 2004
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A Girl who grew up all her life unattractive until High School or College when she then "Blossomed" into a really hot girl. Unlike naturally pretty girls though, her self-esteem is pretty low (As it'll almost permanently be for life) but, she has a good heart, personality, and soul because that's all she could afford to have when she was unattractive. Also, any girl with UDS, will go out with any guy cause to her "Looks Doesn't Matter. As long as they have a good Sense of Humor." As long as they never realize that they're a Ten, they'll always be humbled and down to earth.
A girl with the Ugly Duckling Syndrome or UDS, is The Perfect Catch! She's a Perfect 10 both in and out and she'll do whatever you want her to do! She'll date anybody and could never do anything wrong to you because to her, she's lucky just to have you!
by g-union 2 August 2, 2004
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"The Razzies", which are also known as The Hollywood's Worst Movies Awards, are an awards show (Named after the "Raspberry" Tongue-Blowing Taunt) where the Worst Movies ever are rewared as being the Best of the Worst. Past winners have been Gigli, Hulk, Swept Away, and Wild Wild West.
"Catwoman" is looking to win the 2004 Razzie of the Year Award.
by g-union 2 August 12, 2004
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(N.) To quote Comic Book Guy, "WORST. SHOW. EVER."

(Well, at least on FOX. There is "Just Shoot Me" and "Girlfriends" gunning for that prized title.)
Even Paris Hilton had better Acting Range than Method and Red.
by g-union 2 November 12, 2004
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(N.) the retarded way Snoop Dogg speaks, which is similar to Pig Latin. It involves putting an "Izzle" at the second syllable of the second-to-last word in a sentence and an "Fizzle" to replace the last word in a sentence.

Jessica: "Yo, I'm going up to the Gymizzle to work on my Bicizzles and my Deltizzles, right before I go to my Pilatfizzles class."
by g-union 2 November 12, 2004
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(N.) Slang term from the early ninties that means "Yeah, Boyee!"
by g-union 2 November 10, 2004
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