25 definitions by fightfacilities

The countable number of connections between two objects with uncountable parts.
Transplexity is an infinite number of connections between the infinite limina moving at uncountable speed on the hyperplane and the uncountable limina at the edge of each mieme.
by fightfacilities October 29, 2020
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The theory that two objects, each with uncountable parts, has a countable number of connections.
Transplexity is a theory of sense-making.

It says that in delineative terms infinity intersects with uncountability and the point of intersection is the "category."
by fightfacilities October 29, 2020
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The postulated death of God in the event of a mating event between Phoenix and The Krishna.
The ontology of religion is to act as a separator of the phoenix and Krishna.

A union between the two would result in the death of God and a premature end to the universe.
This is called the Krushnifex.
by fightfacilities January 3, 2021
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Paradigm in which the past is made of uncountable pieces of futurism.
We remember the past as aesthetic.

This is because the the past is made of uncountable pieces of future-aesthetic as per meta-traditionalism.
by fightfacilities November 5, 2020
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