4 definitions by djofvnehrhfnv e

The only French word that English people know. It is also a way to say hi in French.
A: Can you speak French?
B: Of course I can. Bonjour!! See told you.
by djofvnehrhfnv e October 22, 2019
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The French way ti say ''hello''. It is also one of the only French word English People know how to say.
Jonh: Can you speak French?
Joe: Of course look:BONJOUR!! See told ya.
by djofvnehrhfnv e October 24, 2019
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The french way to say ''hello''. It's also the one of the only word English people know how to say.
A: Can you speak French?
B: Of course. Bonjour!!!!!See told you.
by djofvnehrhfnv e October 23, 2019
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It's the longuest word in French.
It's also one of the worls that is very hard to spell.
A: I am super good at spelling.
B: Alright well show me. Spell ''anticonstitutionnellement''
A: No problem!! A-N-T-I-C-O-N-S-T-I-T-U-T-I-O-N-N-E-L-L-E-M-E-N-T!!!
B: Now try doing that in one breath!!!!
by djofvnehrhfnv e October 29, 2019
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