20 definitions by diana stephens

To do something everyone else is doing, just because everyone else is doing it. See conformist
Some dude: Look, I'm going to jump off this bridge! Everyone is! Even Betty! C'mon Jeff, join us!

Jeff the Conformist: Well since everyone else is, I s'pose I will too!
by diana stephens November 1, 2004
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The best substance on the earth. Varys in different shades of brown. Varys in sweetness. Originally used by the Aztec Indians. Diana's favorite food of all time.
My birthday is coming up really soon, and for it I want chocolate.
by diana stephens November 2, 2004
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adj : used of organisms (especially of different species) living together but not necessarily in a relationship beneficial to each
Small mites living on your skin, eating dead skin cells would be an example of a symbiotic relationship.
by diana stephens February 15, 2005
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Another term for methaphetamine (crystal meth)
Dude I think I'm having a stroke from all that working man's cocaine.
by diana stephens October 28, 2004
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1) a yellow, cream-filled pastry

2) another term for a cocaine hydrochloride "rock"

3) two people dressed similarly
1) dude I'm like soooo craving a twinkie right now

2) dude, pass me that twinkie

3) dude, look us, we're like totally twinkies!
by diana stephens October 29, 2004
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A mechanical device used to play music CDs. Recently, their numbers have been diminishing as the population of ipods and mp3 players grow. These digital music devices may be awesome, but CD players will always be a classic (but not a big of a classic as casset/tape players, because those are REALLY a classic when it comes to portable music devices). When used during school, teachers often take them up, even though there is scientific evidence that music aids in the learning process (i think).
Jennifer: Hey, do you have your CD player with you? I wanna listen to that Oasis CD.

Hannah: Naw, Mr. Williams took it up during 3rd period.

Jennifer: Man, that sucks.
by diana stephens May 21, 2005
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