2 definitions by david george

Acelya is the name of a beautiful flower. Acelya's have very beautiful eyes. They are full of secrets. The most women are mad at Acelyas, because of their great personality. They have a lot of friends. True friends. If you do wrong to Acelya, they will forgive you. But keep this in mind: Once you do wrong to Acelya, things will NEVER be the same! If Acelya loves somebody, they will always love that 'somebody'. Most of Acelyas are very aggressive, so think twice before you say or do something. If you know an Acelya, be proud, because you're just lucky!
Acelya will never get out of your head
by david george September 21, 2013
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such as a very special lady who has trouble with her Dung Funell
by david george December 4, 2003
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