10 definitions by captain phoenix

With Skittle bag, sometimes used to refer to miscellaneous heterogeneous mix of various narcotic pills, jumbled up in a bag (usually leftovers donated to the communal skittle bag). Often multicolored like a bag of skittles. Incredibly dangerous, as the actual contents are often unknown, and, thusly, the effects are often a surprise high.
Yo, break open the bag o' skittles and let's do some lines.
by captain phoenix May 9, 2006
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Frisbee is a registered trademark of the Wham-O corporation, and markedly inferior in quality to the discraft line. "Disc" is derived from "flying disc".
I hate it when people say "let's play some disc".
by captain phoenix May 9, 2006
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Works on the same premise as Goldschlager. Made by accidentally leaving a jug of wine in the freezer, letting it explode, then scooping the frozen mess into a nalgene and defrosting. The shards of broken glass replace the "Gold" and the jug wine (preferrably Carlo Rassi) replaces the "schlager". May also include blood.
That burning sensation is normal. They call it "Glassschlager".
by captain phoenix April 30, 2006
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