1 definition by candle bitchass

1. the space between the asshole and the ballsack

2. a rather douchey, white man in his late teens early twenties. often has a foot fetish, obsessed with fitness and wears the same champion hoodie and adidas pants combo daily. The must of a chad is like dying repeatedly nomatter what. they can either a) smell like the asshole of a donkey or b) be covered in axe which is almost as bad as a). Chad has light brown hair an an athletic build, says the n word and the f*ggot slur while playing fortnite. "dude, bro, man" are the warning signs. get away
1)"did yoy wipe your chad?"

2) "did you see that shirtless guy passing by? such a fucking chad"
by candle bitchass March 20, 2019
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