2 definitions by bucket/ something is a bucket

fucking the whole horse
to fuck the whole horse

Transient contextual meanings.
1.a To mess up.
1.b To ruin things, esp. for other people. 1.c To fair poorly, as on a project or in a new career.
e.g. Oh man, the Clarkson account? Yeah, I really fucked the whole horse on that one. I think I'm going to lose my job.

2.a To do extremely well.
2.b To accomplish with flare and elegance, as in a project or a new career.

e.g. The new record? Are you kidding me? You guys really fucked the whole horse on that one. Im so excited for the release.
examples are listed above for ease of reference
by bucket/ something is a bucket February 12, 2005
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vb. n.
to squeak.
1. vb. to copulate in a not so vulgar manner, esp. with someone you don't know. eg. Hey, why don't we squeak?
2. vb. to flirt sexually or be seen to "pet heavy" on another in public so that it seems the two of you might copulate then, or sometime in the near future. eg. Holy shit, look, david and susan are getting a little squeaky over there.

eg. Let's get squeaky, Marsha.

3. n. one's referenced chance to get laid or incident of having been laid in the past. also, this can be in reference to a sexual partner
eg. What about that squeak you had?
eg. You gonna get your squeak anytime soon?
All examples are listed above for ease of reference.
by bucket/ something is a bucket February 12, 2005
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