47 definitions by brian x

A species of geek that lives on the radio spectrum. Usually elderly, often cantankerous, almost always male, can probably dismantle your brand-new walkie-talkie and put it back together in working order in under an hour. Often appends an incomprehensible jumble of letters and numbers to his name (his radio call sign).
by brian x September 16, 2003
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The host of a syndicated daytime talk show that specializes in slutty teenagers. Tends to appeal to the same sort of crowd that photoshops Mary Kate and Ashley nudes. Was originally a male-bashing standup comic, but turned self-righteous and got rid of the boob job.
"So I was watching Jenny Jones, and this skanky little eleven-year-old was telling everyone how she slept with the entire Hicksville police department, including the women, and then fell out of her bra."
by brian x June 25, 2003
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Inexplicably popular hipsterbrau.
by brian x September 16, 2003
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The abuse of lawsuits and the legal system to harrass or intimidate a victim. A popular pastime in the United States.
Both the RIAA and the Church of Scientology have broken new ground in the field of barratry.
by brian x August 28, 2003
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A punishment by the inane for the inane.
When you need a pair of needlenose pliers and you use a hammer... that's zero tolerance.
by brian x October 9, 2003
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The last throwback to the days of Little Nemo... the artsiest of the artsy... quite simply the greatest comic of the last twenty-five years.
by brian x July 2, 2003
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One of the coolest grocery stores in existence -- home of two buck chuck, the Pound Plus chocolate bar, and some of the most creative TV dinners in the known universe.
by brian x July 10, 2003
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