1 definition by black man walker 99551

Someones whos extremely retarded with a multitude of disablities and is extraordinary sensitive. Might be missing someone important in their life. Has a strong addiction to anime porn, mostly in the form of little girls ages 1~5. Their greatest enemy might be - stairs, standing up, walking, talking to women, a healthy diet, spices, flavor, and a therapist.

Hates people of vareity of race; for example, mexicans, asians, pacfic islanders, africans, or south americans, this trauma can be triggered by their alternative flavored food, causing them to have a allergic reaction because of the immense spices. People defined as a tankcat normally have an iq of .122
"Stop being such a tankcat!!!"

"Go fuck yourself you stupid tankcat!!"

"Are you a discord mod or a tankcat?"

Me: Why can't you hear them?

Tankcat:Because my headphones suck ass!!!!
by black man walker 99551 June 9, 2023
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