11 definitions by big pimping

When a bunch of wingmen go out and patrol the bar for possible targets of opportunities. They then return and debrief those that remained behind to drink their beers and save a spot at a bar table.
The wingmen all went out on a scouting mission to find some high value targets in the bar. They returned to report that the bar was currently a target rich environment. They then proceeded to order a round of jaeger bombs.
by big pimping January 4, 2008
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When a male takes his manhammer and pounds the living piss out of a cum dumpster.
Man: Whore prepare yourself for your blastings.
Whore: But my vagine is swore...
by big pimping January 4, 2008
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unwanted dudes that dance on chics, often times these dudes are foreigners or black guys. These guys just latch on and don't let go, they will follow girls off the dance floor and all around the club. Can also be called dingleberrys.
There were a bunch of barnacles on this one cock tease, who was dancing on the dance floor. You could tell she didnt like this dance floor gangbang.
by big pimping January 4, 2008
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Used as a reference to when a wingman comes through and helps out his friend in a dire situation.
Fuck man, the maid of honor kept cock blocking my boy Tony and he couldn't even get near the Bachelorette, until his wingman Shawn came through and hopped on that grenade. What a save.

Also see: blown save
by big pimping January 4, 2008
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