16 definitions by barber of seville

Burial of the victim of a fire, explosion, massive crash, which leaves so little remains that fit in a shoebox.
So little left of the victim he could have had a shoebox funeral.
by barber of seville April 12, 2019
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Appearing before The Boss' desk, squirming, while attempting to explain a failure or transgression on your part.
The Boss had him dancing on the carpet for that screw-up.
by barber of seville June 5, 2011
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An insult. When pronounced, it sounds like "screw you".
Your post is insulting. skroo ewe!
by barber of seville May 24, 2019
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Gross fool whose head is tightly wedged up his ass hole. Oblivious to reality.
by barber of seville May 17, 2021
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New kid on the job. Naive, doesn't know the ropes. Like a newly hatched chick that just emerged from the shell and not dried off yet. "Wet behind the ears."
Check out the new guy. Still wet from the egg.
by barber of seville May 26, 2019
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Marine Corps jargon for bread and water -- food and drink served in the Brig.
That screw-up is getting piss and punk in the brig.
by barber of seville June 24, 2018
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