1 definition by axel :)

A wonderful band.

Emos and indie kids will one day fight to the death over if they're indie-er or emo-er.
Emo Kid 1: I love Bright Eyes. Conor expresses my pain so well.
Indie Kid 1: Uh, no. Get your emo hands away from that Bright Eyes record.
Emo Kid 1: *starts to cry and calls over his emo backup*
Indie Kid 1: (sarcastically) Aw, emo kid is crying. *Calls his indie backup*
*they start to fight*
Hippie: Let's not let our hatred for each other ruin -
Emos and Indie Kids: Shut up!
* they go back to fighting*

(just for the record, the emo kids are defeated by the indie kids. big time.)
by axel :) April 10, 2008
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