2 definitions by austin the hick

This means to finish up the remains of food, such as picking at leftovers. This was created when a yankee and a hick were fighting over a ceaser salad. the yankee won and ate it, but did not finish it, so she gave the leftovers to the the hick who then said, "YEAh! its BoWl LiCkIn TiMe!!!!!!" and it soon became a popular word.
"Want the rest of my food?" asked Erica, "Yeah! its BOWL LICKIN TIME!!!!" replied Austin
by austin the hick October 18, 2004
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This word is used by many in North Carolina. It originated when three yankees and one hick were walking around. They were talking about the low prices at CVS, when the hick said, "yeah, when I go there and see all them low priced products, i just go hog wild!" -and that, is how it all began. HOG WILD means to go crazy and by overcome with happiness.
Did you see that psycho?He was HOG WILD!
by austin the hick October 14, 2004
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