87 definitions by athene airheart

A dashing and heroic personage! See pilot. A member of the elite company of the human race that can actually slip the surly bonds of Earth. They can fly, too.

Old fashioned aviators wear leather helmets and flight jackets and silk scarves and goggles. New fashioned ones fly Beechcraft Bonanzas while sipping cappuccino. Both are just a leetle bit cooler than the average groundling.
Pulling out of the loop, the aviator sent her biplane into a death defying spin and landed perfectly in front of the crowd at the airshow.
by athene airheart March 15, 2004
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Part of the empennage of an airplane.

The horizontal tail surface that controls the pitch of an airplane. The elevator makes the nose go up and down. Negative lift on the elevator surface balences the weight of the engine up front.
When I pull back on the stick, the elevator at the tail of the plane goes up. The wind flowing over the tail forces the nose up, and I climb into the sky.
by athene airheart May 15, 2004
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Humerous version of touch-and-go. Sometimes used when the pilot is having a bad day practicing landings.
"Wow! James really did a lot of bounce-and-goes! Are those landing gear still okay? Better check the inflation on that nose gear strut."
by athene airheart March 20, 2004
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A flying vehicle. It is often a type of dirigible, such as a blimp.

A ship that flies.

They can be found in some role-playing games such as Final Fantasy, and are flying vehicles that seem to use a combination of aerodynamic principles and magic.
I was very excited when I first acquired the Airship in Final Fantasy 1, it made my travels much easier and more fun. The airship travels at four times walking speed across the world map. That seemed very fast to me at the time.
by athene airheart May 15, 2004
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One way to solve a problem.

A person will try something, get it wrong, learn from the mistakes, try again, and hopefully eventually get it right.

Many great ideas and inventions were devised through the process of trial and error.
Through trial and error, I finally figured out how to fix that sticky door handle.
by athene airheart May 15, 2004
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To really whoop someone or give them trouble. To attack. If you really bust someone up and thoroughly kick their tailfeathers, you will have given them hell.

Since hell is a bad place full of suffering, to give someone hell is to create your own little part of it just for them.

It can also be a term for teasing or general razzing, ("he was really giving you hell at the party, wasn't he?") as well as winning in an athletic event. "We really gave that team hell."
If you are fighting a ferocious enemy, and want to charge up your troops, a good thing to shout would be "Give 'em hell!"
by athene airheart March 19, 2004
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Someone who spends a lot of time around aircraft. See ramp rat, airport bum.

A "hangar" is a structure in which aircraft are kept. Many times you will find mechanics and/or pilots spending time there, talking about flying and telling stories. A Hangar Hound need not be a pilot or mechanic, but can just like being near aviation.
I had a good chat with the other hangar hounds the other day, we were discussing the air show coming up in June.
by athene airheart May 2, 2004
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