11 definitions by at

To attack an living entity using only strands of Deoxyribose Nucleic Acid, removing vital chromosomes. When effective it renders its opponent disabled with Down Syndrome.
"OMG! he Dnaced him!!"
"Don't be so quick to, walk away, ill dnace your face"
by at November 30, 2004
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just along the lines of DEAF, BLIND, MUTE....shmert
by at August 6, 2003
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special type of taunt, used to punctuate a command: say your command, then clap once, clap again, then put your arms up over your head, keeping elbows about a foot apart.
example: woman says "get me a drink" to man nearby, then clap-clap-arms up. The boy, either does it, or responds with a denial, and similar clap-clap-arms up.
by at January 21, 2005
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Hang brain is not the act of placing your scrotum on someone or something as noted in the other definitions. That would be "tea baggin." Hang brain is just the act of hanging your scrotum (testicles and all) out of the zipper of your pants.
The doctor wanted to see check my scrotum for unusual lacerations, so he asked me to hang brain.
by at February 4, 2004
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