1 definition by ashleydierlich

-a girl who told her best friend to kill herself and now theyre best friends like what the hell, and she is fat and ugly and looks manish. probably eats alot of mayonaise. she had sex with her first boyfriend after 3 hours. which is a really slutty thing to do. and she asks you for rides when youre across town and she has her own FUCKING car. she steals your boyfriends attention when youre with him so you have no idea wenhats going on. she tells you to kill yourself. she has no life or butt. she sits at home all day on youtube. and gains even less of an ass. with her two cats and butt rapes them. and she says you can come to her with your problems even though she always bitches at you. she gets on probation and tells people that she didnt do anything and she says shes not doing drugs and shes like lkjdflkdjflgkfg drugs. she thinks shes prettier than ceiba which is absolutely ridiculous. because ceiba is the most adorable thing in the entire world. THE END.

by ashleydierlich February 19, 2009
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