1 definition by antivi (anti-villian)


A person who is fully entrenched in their opinion, yet unable to find, analyze, or digest data. Brain activity minimul when digesting insane ideas in isolation. Native to the Covid era US, usually feeling most comfortable roaming the web for conspiracy theories to regurgitate. Sources of influence include Fox News, Alex Jones, and other far right influencers. Ranting is kept to minimum when no window is near. Windows, more specifically licking windows provides energy. Neurological scientific studies have shown window-lickers to have the brain activity and capacity of a retarded nutria.

Dude, I forgot my mask when I went to 7-11 so I put my shirt over my face. Got my shit and on the way out the girl who'd just cashed me mumbled while making awkward tweaker motions, "It's ok, I don't mind, its cool...oh its ok... you know. I don't mind, you can just use.. ya know, use your shirt." Confused with a smirk I walked out saying "ok cool." What the fuck bro! I can't tell if she was serious or another fucking window-licker jockin my style.
God damn, 9/11 wasn't done by the US government stop spreading that shit you fuckin' window-licker, . They did use it, what politician doesn't use everything to advance themselves.
by antivi (anti-villian) August 17, 2020
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