10 definitions by animatorstrike

A punk band which orginated from New York. They play fast and hardcore.
Guy1: Do you listen to The Casualties?
Guy2: Hell yeah!
by animatorstrike February 11, 2005
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A bland rock band. Green Day is often mislabeled as punk. They started with their first album, 1039 Smoothed Out Slappy Hours, which wasn't as successful as Dookie or Nimrod. Their latest album, American Idiot, can be summed up in one word: shit. The majority of their fanbase are 14-year old girls who obsess over Green Day and think that they are the best band ever.
After Warning, I ceased to be a Green Day fan.

Green Day fan: "OMFG!!! GREENDAY iz lYk THE BeST bAnD EVR!!!! THER MuZiK R0XX!!!!!!!"
by animatorstrike April 30, 2005
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A person who does not accept the existence of a greater being. However, there are some exceptions.

1. They believe in a creator, but not a creator as described in most religions.

2. They do not officially recognize or conform to a religion, nor deny the existence of a greater being. See agnostic.

Contrary to popular belief, most atheists do lead fun, happy, and fulfilling lives. This is because they do not need the idea of a god to feel satisfied in life. Also, a lot of them are not close-minded jerks to begin with, but some end up that way because of their constant harassment from people (usually Christians) being close-minded jerks themselves.
"They say they don't believe in any god or gods or deities and then obsessively whine,piss and moan,bitch and deride Christ and Christians and their bible.

To be that obsessed with Christians and their God and bible makes you stupid atheists a HATE GROUP!

You are CRAZY to sit here and spend all of your time obsessing over a God which you claim doesn't even exist in the first place.And the fact that you have singled out Christians proves that you are a HATE GROUP!

You are Satanists and Antichrists but don't even know it.

Never once in have I ever heard one of you ridiculous FAGZ whine,piss or moan about Wicca,Hinduism,Buddhism,Islam or New Age mumbo jumbo!


Maybe that's because the believers of the other religions DON'T WHINE ABOUT US! I can't tell you how many times I've been reminded of my damnation to come by a fundie asshole. I chose my beliefs because of my observations in life, and not from hate, and then Christians come and harass me! How the hell am I supposed to act then?
by animatorstrike June 22, 2006
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Sorta like the Star Wars kid, minus the huge life-ruining embarassment. Only this kid mimes out a Black Dahlia Murder.

Go to video.google.com and type in "funeral thirst".
I just spent like five minutes watching the Black Dahlia Murder kid headbang.
by animatorstrike January 29, 2006
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We've got a white terror group (KKK) and a black terror group (Black Panthers). Everything's fair, right?
by animatorstrike November 13, 2005
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A great vice president, one who has managed to keep the liberals whining evn more than thought possible. Frankly, he doesn't give a shit what the liberals think.
Whining liberal: You're an evil bastard; go have a heart attack!

Dick Cheney: Like I give a fuck...
by animatorstrike June 5, 2005
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A multiplayer deathmatch in a computer game which involves a massive amount of killing.
Guy: Hey, wanna start a fragfest at 8:00?

Guy2: Hell yeah, Unreal Tournament!
by animatorstrike February 6, 2005
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