2 definitions by ame nalon

Slang term for a musical ninja, who plays piano concertos by day and terrorizes the local village by night.
"Did you hear about that famous pianist getting arrested for stealing samurai swords from a museum? Wow, what a minjia."
by ame nalon November 3, 2009
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1. A fat burrowing owl, found in Paraguay and Southern Brazil. Eats primarily rodents, but sometimes feasts on small frogs or insects.

2. Slang term for a fat Korean homosexual or man whore, often used in a negative sense.
"Dude, a kongsuck ate my pet hamster. Damn those fat owls!"

"My ex is such a kongsuck! I can't believe i didn't realize he worked at a strip club, not a bank like he told me."
by ame nalon November 3, 2009
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