1 definition by allyxo :)

a vsco girl is basically a white ass bitch. they usually have ;
- hydroflasks
- tube tops / oversized shirts
- sHeLl nEcklAcEs
- scunchies
- birkenstocks
- crocs
- vans
- pukashell nEcklAcEs etc.

they always say aNd i oOP- & sksksksksksk. they also use vsco almost every single day and use the filter c1. they are basically just a white ass bitch- period.
no one :
not a single soul :
vSco giRls : *drops hYdrO flAsk* aNd i oOp- sKsksksksksksks i dRoPped mY hyDroflask !1!!!!1!
everyone : stfu bum ass hoe
by allyxo :) August 25, 2019
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