1 definition by Zhyreal_zeta

A smart and hardworking man, very independent and a friend to everyone. Would make a strong leader as caring for others don't seem a stress but often over done. Lael is stubborn but strong willed. Sharp brains is Leal's strong point as he is quick to think of solutions to problems. Dating a Lael means Dating he who would take care of you and pamper you but Lael's always want your loyalty and can be suspicious of your every move done without informing them. Lael is a jealous man, a way to win him is to always apologize when he is mad at you. Respect and attention is his daily bread, ones in love, Lael will be your baby for life.
Girl: I love him so much
Friend: why won't you, he's a Lael.

Ex 2
I want to go meet up with Lael, will be back tomorrow.
by Zhyreal_zeta February 1, 2020
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