142 definitions by Zach G.

Let me put it this way-

Turn on CNN. Now turn on CSPAN. Now turn on Speed Network.

Now shove a knife into your shoulders. As you are suffering, please, enjoy the intellegent chat they are having about Mongolia.

That's public radio.

Welcome to Chitty Chitty Chat Chat. I'm


Today we're talking about a book


Tons of monotone retards reading excerpts




So what compelled you to write about Diners?
by Zach G. November 25, 2004
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They infest me, waiting to come out, infest more. Must free my body and mind of evil before tainted for life. You're all infested to, and for some of you, its too late. Others can still free their mind of it.
The demon infests...
by Zach G. November 14, 2003
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Someone who is driven crazy by rejection and anger, kills the ones who had laughed at him, and than joins them.
I am the outcast.

"You laugh because I'm different.
I laugh because you're all the same."
by Zach G. November 24, 2003
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Urinate in ones pants, making them wet. Normally out of either laughter or incontinence.
Seriously, I'm about to pee my pants.
by Zach G. October 28, 2003
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What to do when someone sets you up with bomb and have no chance of survival.
by Zach G. January 2, 2004
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The people that make sure everything A-OK.
My pizza is 30% cheesier and 75% more pepperonish thanks to the quality control guys at Pizza Hut!
by Zach G. December 2, 2003
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