11 definitions by Yuri Shatski

I wonder how many #MiniStrokes The @realdonaldjtrump has to use To get Putin a happy ending
by Yuri Shatski September 3, 2020
Get the #MiniStroke mug.
Acronym for
Donald Trump Mini Stroke Syndrome
Scientific name Transient ischemic attack
Webster Dictionary had to add 5000 new jobs due to the president having DTMS Syndrome.
He alone has added new words like Covfefe,

Yos-e-nite, Thighland, Championch, Heroilynn,
Foistered, Susbesig, Humanitaries, Deligitimatize,
Her ridge, Pivittible, Benefishers, Resaption, Appliculibulls, Obstuulz, Bipartiss, Solucius, Forsiva , Liberalation & Asbadodizzoz

Just to name a few that have be reviewed for definitions
by Yuri Shatski September 3, 2020
Get the DTMS Syndrome mug.
Acronym for
Donald Trump Mini Stroke Syndrome
Scientific name Transient ischemic attack
Webster Dictionary had to add 5000 new jobs due to the president having DTMS Syndrome.
He alone has added new words like Covfefe,

Yos-e-nite, Thighland, Championch, Heroilynn,
Foistered, Susbesig, Humanitaries, Deligitimatize,
Her ridge, Pivittible, Benefishers, Resaption, Appliculibulls, Obstuulz, Bipartiss, Solucius, Forsiva , Liberalation & Asbadodizzoz

Just to name a few that have be reviewed for definitions
by Yuri Shatski September 3, 2020
Get the DTMS Syndrome mug.
Acronym for
Donald Trump Mini Stroke Syndrome
Scientific name Transient ischemic attack
Webster Dictionary had to add 5000 new jobs due to the president having DTMS Syndrome.
He alone has added new words like Covfefe,

Yos-e-nite, Thighland, Championch, Heroilynn,
Foistered, Susbesig, Humanitaries, Deligitimatize,
Her ridge, Pivittible, Benefishers, Resaption, Appliculibulls, Obstuulz, Bipartiss, Solucius, Forsiva , Liberalation & Asbadodizzoz

Just to name a few that have be reviewed for definitions
by Yuri Shatski September 3, 2020
Get the DTMS Syndrome mug.