1 definition by Your mama's pa's cousin's fish

Sanams are hillarious and fun-to-be-around people. A Sanam will make the most innocent thing sound perverted and will have you falling off a chair, and rolling around on the floor laughing. Sanams are always there to entertain and make great friends. Sanams have perfected the art of camwhoring and tend to suffer from addictions to cheese and facebook. Sanams generally dislike Jacob Black and anyone that is a backstabbing whore. A Sanam can be identified by their lucious long locks, nose stud, and infectious laughter. A Sanam's smile will brighten your day :)
Edward Cullen: Sanam is the one for me, fuck you Bella! Go back to Jacob now..

Jacob Black: Yaaay, take that bloodsucker!

Edward Cullen: I just dumped her, wtf take that?! You can keep Bella

Sanam: Hey, I though this was supposed to be about me?

Edward Cullen: I know, I know, and it is..now lets go shag in the meadow

Sanam: :)
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