Fear is something that is always hidden, somewhere wherever you think it is. Fear can come in any ways, like anxiety, scared, or horrified. Fear can come occasionally, sometimes, or a specific amount of times, maybe even fear is something that you deeply hate. Fore example, you could hate being alone, or fear being alone. Nearly everybody fears to be alone, and some people are absolutely horrified by being all alone, that they have a phobia for it. What is a phobia? Well, a phobia is something that you fear, a phobia is a specific thing that you really hate. We call being scared of being alone, monophobia, and fearing spiders, is arachnophobia. The question is, why do people have fear in them? Well, you see, when you fear something, like being alone, your mind is focused on not being alone, but they fear something horrific would happen to you if nobody was there to save you, or even witness you. Being scared of the dark isn’t actually fearing the dark itself, but being afraid of what could be hidden in the dark, ready to pounce on you. Fear is something that always hides, but not from you, but waiting for you. Waiting to pounce on your heart.
Person 1: I am scared of the dark.
Person 2: Oh...
Person 2: Of the dark? Or what's in the dark?
Person 1: You fear the dark?
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