108 definitions by Xxxxxxxxfanboyxxxxxxxxxx

Intentional arson to one's own business or home in hopes of receiving insurance money for the damage. Usually done to a home or business that you are having no success selling and are just really desperate to retrieve home equity from. The practice can be prosecuted under numerous felonies, but rarely is, because it's very hard to prove you intentionally set fire to a building. Often times, some idiots pour gasoline all over their building in hopes of it burning faster, but that's the most common way people get caught for it. As soon as the cops and the fire department smell gasoline and see it everywhere, you're getting arrested for arson and attempted insurance fraud, and you won't get a penny from insurance.

The term is in reference to the fact that, prior to WW2, most Jewish businesses in Europe were boycotted, so they went out of business. Because they were out of business, and no one wanted to buy a Jewish business, the businesses and buildings were essentially worthless because no one would buy them. But because, on paper, the business and its building still had value, Jews would often intentionally set fire to their own businesses in hopes of getting insurance money from it, because that was the only practical way they could take back the equity value of their business.
Bob's convenience store went out of business, and then coincidentally burned down after he failed to sell it. He got a million dollars of insurance money.

Bob also wanted to move after this, but since his home wouldn't sell, he set fire to it to get insurance money. This time, however, Bob was impatient, so he poured gasoline all over his house. This was a bad decision, because as soon as the fire department and the cops got there, the smelled the Gasoline and knew it was Jewish lightning. He got arrested and convicted of arson and attempted insurance fraud and got sentenced to 5 years in prison. He also got no insurance money.
by Xxxxxxxxfanboyxxxxxxxxxx January 15, 2021
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Someone who is descended from more than one race. All people are to some extent (5-10%) but this refers to people who aren’t more than 75% descended from a single race. Hispanic and Latino people are all descended of mixed Amerindian, African, and European ancestors.
Some multiracial terms

Mulatto: Mix of black and white (considered offensive by some)
Mestizo: A Hispanic person of mixed Native American and European blood
Métis: A non Hispanic person of mixed Native American and European blood
Hapa: A person of mixed Asian and European blood
Zambo: A person of mixed African and Native American blood
Pardo: Someone of mixed African, Native American, and European blood
Euronesian: someone of mixed European and Pacific Islander blood
Indo-White: Someone of mixed Indian and European blood
by Xxxxxxxxfanboyxxxxxxxxxx December 21, 2020
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A year before a presidential election in which no one can get along, everyone is divided, cancel culture is rampant, and it seems endless until the day after the winner is announced and we go back to being normal for 3 years until the next election year.
by Xxxxxxxxfanboyxxxxxxxxxx November 2, 2020
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The time preceding a major shitty phase in ones life. You don’t think much of it in the moment, but once you’re past it and you’ve entered the bad phase of life, the before times come back to haunt you, angry that you weren’t grateful for them. You get this intense feeling of despair, you’d do ANYTHING to go back to the before times. But that’s the thing, once they’re gone, you can only move forward.
The whole world in 2020 now remembers 2019 as the Before Times.
by Xxxxxxxxfanboyxxxxxxxxxx December 21, 2020
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Foreigners and people from the west coast love them, but people from states bordering New York hate them because they bring their abhorrent driving to our peaceful states.
New Yorkers are a menace to the roadways of New England.
by Xxxxxxxxfanboyxxxxxxxxxx August 22, 2021
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A crime which almost half the people who commit it get away with it. Killing another human being.

Not all forms of killings are considered murder. Accidental killings are usually not, although they may constitute a lesser offense such as manslaughter if done extremely carelessly. Self Defense killings also usually not considered a crime, but may constitute voluntary manslaughter if done with excessive force or under a mistaken belief that one's life is in danger. (Varies by circumstance extremely). In some countries, the death penalty is carried out and is not considered murder, while in most, it IS considered murder and is therefore abolished. In some states, lethal force is authorized if one's property is in danger. For example, if I see someone stealing a TV from my driveway, my life is not in danger, but my belonging is, so in some states, that alone is justification to use lethal force.
In some places, murder is punishable by death. This is usually only reserved for first degree, premeditated and planned out murder. Most often though, First Degree murder is punished by life imprisonment with parole eligibility after a certain number of years. Sometimes there is no parole eligibility. Second Degree Murder is usually punished by a fixed term imprisonment, usually around 20-40 years in prison, but in some jurisdictions, it's punishable by life with parole.

Even when a prisoner is eligible for parole, it's rarely granted for murder. In fact, parole eligibility serves a purpose mainly for mental health. A prisoner who 100% certainly will spend their life in jail deteriorates rapidly, while a prisoner with SOME prospect for release has an incentive to behave well and stay healthy.
by Xxxxxxxxfanboyxxxxxxxxxx June 10, 2020
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