1 definition by X Smakc

ok ok, i've seen all these TR entries and some of them are funny and other ones are just misunderstood. you gotta understand where TR came from. it only started out wit a few kids who had an interest in cars. everyone sees it as a "gang" of some sorts now but everyone needs to know that it started out pure and turned into what you think of it now. say whatever you want and post whatever you want but remember that it started out causing no harm and it was only a few fucking punks who corrupted the shit a year or two after it was started. i don't have a problem wit anyone involved with TR and if you don't like some of them just because they are in TR then you are just fucking ignorant. i'm not sticking up for anybody, i'm just trying to help some people open their hypocritical eyes. if you don't agree wit me then thats chill but atleast consider what i'm saying.
by X Smakc March 13, 2004
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