10 definitions by Wisdom Seeker

The absolute absence of greatness and its collective attributes such as selflessness, humility, empathy, charity, courage, compassion, decency, morality, ethics, wisdom and humanity.
The Trump Presidency is the nadir of a Vacuum of Greatness.
by Wisdom Seeker April 8, 2018
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Ruling class of wealthy spoiled children that grew old but never grew up.
The plutobrats tried to buy the Presidential Election of 2012 and failed.
by Wisdom Seeker March 16, 2013
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An individual, who is paid an enormous sum of money for doing absolutely nothing while fellow workers must carry his or her sorry, trifling ass.
The supervisor delegates all his reponsiblilties to his subordinates. He is just another paycheck sucker.
by Wisdom Seeker April 26, 2013
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